>The Magic Bullet


So, I’m really excited. 
Today, I got a call from Austin’s grandma. They are cleaning out their basement and wanted to know if we wanted a few things. 
Umm, free stuff… yes please. 
I was a little hesitant because sometimes the free stuff from grandparents is, well, bless their hearts.
Anyway, I took a risk and went by to see what they were wanting to get rid of. 
I’m glad I did because they had a BRAND. NEW. Magic Bullet!
I’ve heard about the Magic Bullet and always kinda wanted one but never wanted to fork over $100 for one.
Needless to say, I was excited. So was Chauncey. He wanted in on the picture.
There are so many things you can do with this little guy. What should I do first??
Fruit smoothies are high on the list.
Cappuccino?? Yes please. 
Desserts?! Does it bake them too?? 🙂
Oh, in case you’re wondering… it does non-eatable products too. 
Haha. That’s funny.
So I might be over exaggerating my excitement a bit but I really am looking forward to having this appliance around. 
Any tips or recipes you want to share would be much appreciated. 

5 thoughts on “>The Magic Bullet

  1. >Thanks for stopping by my humble little blog! The brownie cupcakes? Well as best I can remember, I baked them at the temp the box called for but after about 15 minutes, started pokin' 'em with a toothpick til it came out clean. Not very exact I know but somtimes thats how I cook & bake. I've heard GREAT things about the magic bullet from a friend that has one! Have fun~I still use my monstrosity of a blender/food processor for all my smoothies. Cute pup btw!

  2. >Hey, I want a Magic Bullet too! 🙂 I can complete relate to your excitement…I love things that make like easy-ish and fun. So, thanks for stopping by Sunny Bug & I would loooove to blog swap sometime. Let's connect via email and chat 🙂

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